Cayman News
When you want to know what’s happening locally.
Cayman News tool app is here. This app is to save you time by combining the news articles from multiple sources into one convenient place for viewing. No longer will you have to go onto each page individually.
-Links to International news also provided
-Save article links so you can read them at a more convenient time
-Share articles to friends on WhatsApp, Social media, etc.
Cayman News
When you want to know what’s happening locally.
Cayman News tool app is here. This app is to save you time by combining the news articles from multiple sources into one convenient place for viewing. No longer will you have to go onto each page individually.
-Links to International news also provided
-Save article links so you can read them at a more convenient time
-Share articles to friends on WhatsApp, Social media, etc.
Got a question? I’am here to answer! If you don’t see your question here, you can get me on the Contact Page.
Is this Application Still Supported?
Yes. Although updates aren’t as frequent.
How does this Application work?
The Cayman News app works by connecting to multiple news sources and then combining them into one stream of articles. No need to browse different sites.
Can I save news articles for later viewing?
Yes. Articles can be saved for viewing later as long as the links are still active on the main site. If the article has been deleted the saved link will no longer work.
Does this Application only have news from the Cayman Islands?
No. It also provides links to outside news sources.